Latest queries

What does mern stack mean?

What does MERN stack mean? Can someone please explain? Is it really popular?...

subhammitra.dev97 posted 19 days ago on Node JS

35 1

VueJS force update child component

I want the child component to reload at some point. I have heard about VueJS $forceUpdate but got some negative reviews as well. I want to know what a...

bsse1014 posted 4 years ago on Vue

1283 0

How to add vuejs multiple components on a page?

I am using VueJS for the front end work. So far I know how to add components in vuejs file. I am using Vue CLI 3 to create a project with it. So here ...

bsse1014 posted 4 years ago on Vue

1145 0

Can django be used for android apps?

I am making an android app with React Native. I know that we need to build an API and use that to communicate with our server. However, I am confused...

kumarpapunjay posted 4 years ago on Javascript

1146 0

Can we use Django with ReactJS?

I want to learn ReactJS and use it with Django. So far I was using jQuery and now I want to move to React. In my Django app, I used to create a static...

abdu1985000 posted 4 years ago on Javascript

1125 0

Whats the difference between Django and Flask?

I have started learning Django and it's an amazing framework for building websites. I also heard some good things about Flask as well. I want to know ...

abdu1985000 posted 4 years ago on React Native

1032 0

Which Node js framework is similar to Django?

Which Node js framework is similar to Django?...

mateusz.jan.bilko posted 4 years ago on Node JS

1137 0

Can Django work with MongoDB or any NoSQL database?

I am using Django for a month now. It's been amazing so far and I have made a blog with it and followed the [eCommerce course here](https://codersdiar...

kumarpapunjay posted 4 years ago on Javascript

1125 0

What Django collectstatic command does?

I am stuck with what exactly the use of collectstatic command. According to the documentation of Django, we have to put every static asset like CSS, j...

abdu1985000 posted 4 years ago on Javascript

4175 1

Which database should I use with Django?

I am new in the Django world. So far I have learned the basics like routing and templates. Now I want to learn which Django database should I use for ...

abdu1985000 posted 4 years ago on Javascript

1145 1

Which django version should i use

I just started learning Django and the latest available version is 3.1 I know I should start with the latest version but I am stuck at should I wait f...

abdu1985000 posted 4 years ago on Javascript

1296 1

How to align text in center using jspdf?

I am using jsPDF for my project where have to create a PDF from user submitted data. I want to align text in center for few inputs with jsPDF. Accordi...

kumarpapunjay posted 4 years ago on Expressjs

15351 0

Is Bulma better than bootstrap?

What is better, bulma or bootstrap? I have heard a lot that bulma is lightweight but also bootstrap has many features. what should i choose?...

soomroad01 posted 4 years ago on General

1001 0

Do people still use bootstrap?

Do people still use bootstrap? ...

soomroad01 posted 4 years ago on General

1106 0

How DevOps Is Becoming Popular Nowadays?

I am planning to take [DevOps online training]( from one of the renowned training institute in ...

YbjBLRKpq posted 4 years ago on General

1191 0

Use this promo code to get a flat 30% off on any courses

Use promo code CDD30OFF to get 30% off on any of our courses. Also, tell us below what do you want to learn next? ...

ritusoni posted 4 years ago on General

1032 0

Which one is good for web developement, nodejs or django?

Which one is good for web developement, nodejs or django?...

soomroad01 posted 4 years ago on Javascript

1077 0

Hello coders, does anyone code in java here?

If you are a java coder, kindly tell me if its a good idea for me to leave python and start learning java. thank you...

vslot-vgammer posted 4 years ago on General

1105 0

Django FileField with upload_to determined at runtime

I'm trying to set up my uploads path so that if a user named robin uploads a file. Then it should go to the MEDIA_ROOT/user/robin. However the uploade...

Juvienelle posted 4 years ago on Javascript

985 0


Can someone teach me or gives some django videos so that i can learn django back end...

wenjieee posted 4 years ago on Javascript

1096 4