Python is one of the most sought-after programming languages. Particularly because it used for AI and the world is slowly being moved towards an AI world. Most of the companies look for python developers. So for all the python programmers, I have listed down the most asked python interview questions that will help you crack that interview.

Python interview questions

Here are some basic and frequently asked python interview questions.

1. What type of language is python? Scripting or Programming?

Python can do both. It is both scripting and a programming language. However, it is mostly called a general-purpose programming language.

2. What is pep 8?

Now it is the most frequently asked question in python interviews. Basically, it is a set of rules that tells you how to maintain the coding structure and make it readable for others. It stands for a Python Enhancement Proposal.

3. In python, what is type conversion?

As the name suggests, it's the conversion of one data type to another.

Here is the list:

ord() – converts characters into integer

hex() – converts integers to hexadecimal

oct() – converts an integer to octal

set() – This function returns the type after converting to set.

list() – This function is used to convert any data type to a list type.

dict() – This function is used to convert a tuple of order (key, value) into a dictionary.

str() – Used to convert an integer into a string.

complex(real,imag) – This function converts real numbers to complex(real,imag) number.

int() – converts any data type into integer type

float() – converts any data type into float type

4. What are the local and global variables in python?

Global variables are accessible by any functions inside the program. Its because it is declared outside any function.

However, the local variables are declared inside a function and it is accessible only inside the local area.

5. What is self in python?

Self is an instance or object of a class in python. Its mostly included as the first parameter in python. It is helpful when needed to differentiate between the method and attribute of a class with respect to local variables.

6. Explain comments in python.

Comments in Python are the same as comments in any other programming language. You can start a comment in python with a # character.

For example:

#Comments in Python start like this

print(“Comments in Python start with a #”)

7. What is the use of the help() function in python?

A help() function is used for viewing a consolidated dump of built-in functions. It is well accessible by the python interpreter.

8. Does python have an OOPS concept?

Python is an object-oriented programming language. It means it uses objects in programming. Objects are used to solve real-world problems like inheritance, hiding, polymorphism, etc in programming.

9. Name some python libraries.

Libraries are python packages. Some python libraries are:

NumPy: It’s an open-source python library released in 2005. NumPy stands for Numerical Python.

Pandas: It is an open-source fast, flexible, easy to use python library.

Matplotlib: As the documentation says, it is a comprehensive library for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations in Python.

Scikit-learn: From the official documentation, Simple and efficient tools for predictive data analysis · Accessible to everybody, and reusable in various contexts.

10. Name two popular python frameworks.

There are two popular frameworks that are Flask and Django. Both of them give good competition to each other. Developers use each of them according to their project requirements. You can click here to learn flask and Django.

11. What kind of applications can be made with python?

Python is a versatile programming language. Many types of applications can be made with python such as: 

  • GUI based desktop applications
  • Scientific and computational applications
  • Language development
  • Web and Internet Development
  • Games
  • Image processing and graphic design applications
  • Enterprise and business applications development
  • Operating systems

12. What is some advantage of python over other languages?

Python has a lot of advantages over most of the languages like its extensible, flexible, free, and open-source project. It is also an object-oriented, portable, high-level programming language. 

13. What is the difference between the del statement and the remove() function?

Del functions is used for deleting an object of a specific location (index) from the list.

However, the remove function is used to delete a specific object in the list.

14. What is a tuple in Python?

In python, tuple allows you to store data in a sequence as it is a built-in data collection type. To create a tuple you must use () brackets instead of the usual [] brackets. A tuple is a really flexible data type in python and has many other features. 

These were some basic python interview questions. I will be posting another article on some tough questions that are usually asked during python interviews.

If you have faced the interview before, tell us what was the questions that were asked.