Generally, the most important aspects of every website are the user interface. Building up a good UI

needs a good amount of hard work and dedication but later, it gives you the fruitful benefits. The very important element of every single website is its viewers. Having a good UI also keeps the viewers connected with the site and gives a good amount of benefits to the site.

We will be talking about the benefits of having a good UI structure, SEO, and UI.

SEO and UI – The benefits of UI in SEO

1. Boost SEO Rank in SERP

One of the important factors in the list of SEO and UI benefits of having a good UI structure is the good ranking of SEO.

The user interface plays a vital role while dealing with the search engine result page

(SERP). The time has gone when the google ranking was only dependent based on the contents.

Certain algorithms are performed to rank the site after analyzing the user interface. The user

interface highly matters in the present era for a better ranking in Google.

2. Less Bounce

Basically, the less bounce means those visitors who come on your site stay on a single page and exits the site.

Generally, it refers to single page viewers.

Having a high bounce rate indicates that you are not attracting the targeted audience, or your user interface is hard to understand.

Here come other benefits of having a good SEO and UI structure.

Having a good user interface helps you in decreasing the bounce rate of the site. This allows you to make your viewers stick with the website and make them your loyal readers.

3. Kills loading time

You cannot have a loyal customer if your website loading time is too high.

Just imagine, would you stay with a site who take more than two minutes to load a single page, I guess you won’t.

Having a good UI kills the loading time of the site. Having a UI design that tells if the user connection is slow also helps from preventing the reader from leaving the site.

Giving the viewers an assumption of time, like a loading bar, also keeps them linked with the site.

Kode4 helps you to build an optimized website with a beautiful UI.

4. More Engagement

Another factor in the list of benefits of having a good UI structure is more engagement. The user interface plays an important role in the element of making the readers engaged with the site.

Generally, having a good engagement in the site improves the ranking also attracts other readers.

This also gives the site better popularity in the digital world.

5. Helps in Menu Navigation

Having a user interface with menu navigation helps the readers to search for their required content.

Your reader can easily swap onto multiple required contents is an easy way through the menu navigation option.

It allows the readers to easily deal with the contents of the site. Not only the contents

but also helps while moving through different bodies (like from Home Body page to the Contact

Form page) in an easy manner.

6. Increase site usability

One of the best factors from the list of benefits of having a good UI structure is the increase in site usability.

Having an increase in site usability totally depends on the contents and the user interface of the site.

A good user interface allows a drastic increase in site usability which helps in the promotion of the site in a really good manner.

7. Brand Identity

Having a great user interface gives your brand identity to the viewers.

Your brand identity is the first important thing. It gives the idea of the strategy on which you have been working on the site.

Basically, the user interface plays a vital role in the field of branch identity. Make sure you establish a brand that your viewers can trust.

8. Memorability

Having a good user interface helps the users to remember how to use the interface.

You need to pay good attention while dealing with the user interface of the site. Since you already know the benefits of having a good UI structure.

According to human psychology, once a human being follows the pattern of a particular user interface(s) he tries to bring most of their relatives into that particular pattern.

9. Increases Trust

Having a user-friendly interface automatically helps in gaining the trust of the reader.

Since after having a user-friendly, the human mind gets used to it and gets attracted more often.

It also helps in gaining the trust of the readers, and once you win their trust then they are the ones who will be promoting your site for free.

On the same hand, you also get your loyal readers.

Well, these are some of the benefits of having a good UI structure. Let us know your feedback in the comment section.