
Posted 28-Aug-2020 | 970 | React Native

Why should I learn Python?

Most of my friends suggests me to start with python and stick to it. I want to know if its the best in the market and why should I learn it?



Posted 20-May-2024

Already answered, so copy-pasting here.

Go for python as it can be used in multiple fields like web development, software development, and artificial intelligence. PHP is specially made for building websites.


Posted 20-May-2024

Hi John, Python is no doubt the most versatile language out there. If you want to become a web developer or work as a professional I think its the best choice.

It was introduced decades ago but still its so famous and people still work with it. You should definitely work with it.

I have rcently started watching videos available in this website only. S far its gong great. Will update once I finish the course. :D